Sunday, December 19, 2010


I have a strong believe that tablet programming is and will be with us for the next decade. Not only that it will be here but it will be the next desktop.
Wait! Next desktop platform? Not really the correct way to think about tablet programing e.g. iOS & co. is like the web that you never had and you forever wanted. Yes tablet is the new web => lots and thousands of tablets interconnected by the cloud... 

Now, you should know that the web isn't what you see in the browser but is about "the network" the thing that keeps us connected. So, if we come back, tablet programming is the new Web and definitely a better one - this are the actual's web www frustration:
  1. IE die
  2. IE & co. die
  3. browser dependent security (on some levels)
  4. hard to establish standards (can I be awesome with html5 apps?)
  5. no blinders for the blinding in need eye (cool 3d games)
  6. click click click back click black back (this sucks)
  7. ... ok right now I don't feel so masochistic to think about the other downsides.
but now tablet programming, yeah this brings the awesomeness in the web, now why?
     desktop performance + mobility + internet = tablet programming 

and why is it cool?:
  1. touch
  2. touch
  3. touch
What is our first, primal, primitive mean of learning and understanding the environment that surrounds us, even from baby perspective... well that will be the touch.

Only one lack at the moment - is paintable with few technologies, and pretty much we only have one good canvas - the iOS.

from starbucks with bitterness, Andrei T. Ursan

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